Dr. Qamar-ul Huda

Dr. Qamar-ul Huda

Wednesday, May 3

On Wednesday 3 May 2023, we enjoyed a unique presentation by Dr. Qamar-ul Huda on “The Perils of Polarization in International Relations” – Think US-China!

Dr. Huda is a seasoned policy expert who has worked in government academia and the policy community focused on security, US foreign policy, conflict zones, development and key areas in Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. As a senior researcher with expertise in political and social risks, policy decision-making and impact management, he provides cutting-edge analysis on global affairs.

Dr. Huda is currently a Distinguished Visiting Professor of International Affairs at the U.S Naval Academy. He has previously taught at Georgetown University, UCLA, Boston College, Brandeis U. and the College of Holy Cross. He was Senior Policy Advisor to Secretary of State John Kerry’s Office of Policy Planning and the Office for Religion and Global Affairs.

He has worked at the U.S. Institute of Peace’s Religion and Peacemaking Department.  He is the editor of USIP’s “Crescent and Dove: Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam”.

Dr. Huda was twice a Fulbright Scholar and can be seen on CNN, MSNBC the BBC and was listed in the “Muslim 500: The World’s Most Influential Muslims.”

He received his Ph.D. and his M.A. in political economy and history of Asia and the Middle East from UCLA.

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