USA Ambassador William Taylor

USA Ambassador William Taylor

Tuesday, October 11, We welcomed Ambassador William Taylor, Vice-President for Russia and Europe at the US Institute of Peace. Since the Ambassador was unavailable for the date of our scheduled meeting at the Double Tree Hotel (5 October), we were obliged to move our meeting to Tuesday 11 October.

Ambassador Taylor is an American diplomat, government official and former military officer. He served as the 6th US Ambassador to Ukraine from 2006-2009 and as acting ambassador to Ukraine from June 2019-January 2020. He is currently VP for Russia and Europe at the US Institute for Peace.

Ambassador Taylor graduated in the top 1% of his class at West Point in 1969 and received his Master of Public Policy from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government in 1977.  After West Point he served in the infantry for six years at Fort Bragg and in Vietnam. Following five years as Legislative Assistant for Senator Bill Bradley, he served for five years as Special Deputy Defense Advisor to the US Ambassador to NATO.

From 1992 to 2002, Ambassador Taylor served as a US Diplomat, with the rank of ambassador, coordinating assistance to Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. In 2003 he served as Afghanistan Coordinator at the Department of State and in 2004 he was the Director of the Iraq Reconstruction Management Office. Ambassador Taylor served as Special Coordinator for Middle East Transitions from 2011 to 2013. He was appointed to the US Institute of Peace in 2015.  

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